1) Design flash cards - Have a question on one side and the answer on the other. Test yourself, or get friends & family
to test you!
2) Read your notes then put them away & design a mindmap of everything you can remember about a topic.
3) Practice exam questions on a topic - look on the AQA website for past exam questions on different topics. Also do the
mini-tests on BBC Bitesize.
4) Test yourself by writing questions and answers for a topic - any answers you have forgotten, read and memorise them!
5) Produce a song/poem/rap to help remember certain things! (e.g. check out the osmosis rap video on my revision video
6) watch the revision videos from my website and make questions + answers from them.
7) Remember to eat and drink well before a test AND take breaks every 20 minutes. If you are like me and get distracted
easily by your phone, switch it off/put it away somewhere so you don't use it when you are revising.
8) Revise in a quiet study area - avoid revising with the tv on, research shows it will slow down the revision process!